Spring is almost upon us and so we are busy preparing to open up the Windmill for another season. As usual visitors will be welcomed on the first Sunday of the month until October, starting on Sunday April 7th 1.30 – 5.30pm and again in April on Easter Sunday and Monday afternoons.
The Stansted Millers AGM takes place in the Day Centre on March 27th from 7.30pm. Our speaker will be Roger Barrett from the History Society. All are welcome…. especially if you’d like to support the Windmill by becoming a member of the Stansted Millers or even helping out as a steward during our Spring and Summer openings!
The Spring Coffee Morning is on Wednesday April 10th in the Day Centre from 10 ’til noon. Entrance is £2,50 which includes refreshments… Hot Cross Buns, tea, coffee etc…. There will be a raffle, Bric a Brac and cake stall.